Love for #AJO from the Weekend

Monday Sep 23rd, 2013

Hi everyone,

We hope you all enjoyed the weekend any want to thank anybody who went, made donations, volunteered their time to any of the local businesses’ events that took place over the past couple of days, sent anything in, represented and supported #AJO at any sports events, or paid it forward in any kind of way!!! You guys rock. Below are a couple photos we wanted to share, but you can find LOTS more on our Photos page… keep ’em coming! We love seeing how you support #AJO and spread awareness of Epilepsy– always feel free to comment anywhere on the site and send your own pictures to our Facebook Page, AJO Forever in Our Hearts.

We’ll be working on new additions on the blog today so if you have an idea, article, or information you think we should know, let us know so we can use it to make this online community even better. As always your support touches our hearts and we thank you all so much… check back here soon!


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